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Barham Community Speed Watch Initiative

19 April 2021

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Community Speed WAtch

At the recent Barham Parish Council meeting the major issue of speeding vehicles throughout the whole of Barham was again discussed.  The Parish Council has a constant battle with SCC Highways department to get anything done regarding reducing the speeding issues and pretty much have to take things into its own hands.  It has therefore been agreed to proceed with  “Community Speed Watch Initiative” for the village.   

Community Speed Watch is an educational scheme to help people reduce speeding traffic though their community. The scheme enables volunteers to work within their community to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding and to help control the problem locally.  Community Speed Watch incorporates poster campaigns and a pledge system linked to direct action using speed detection equipment. The use of the radar devices will not lead to prosecution – drivers will get a letter from the police instead – but will help to underline the community’s commitment to reducing speed.  The scheme can only operate in 30 or 40mph speed limits.  
You can read up and find out more about community speed watch and what is involved on www.communityspeedwatch.org.uk/get-involved/

However to move forward with the community speed watch a team of at least 6 volunteers is needed and the Parish Council is therefore appealing for volunteers, the more people on board the better.  If you would like to be involved then please let the Clerk or Chairman know.
Darren Parish Council Chairman– tel 07836263613 email bkplimousinesa8@hotmail.com
Melanie Parish Council Clerk email barhampc@outlook.com 

The Parish Council would be delighted to have you join the community speed watch team so that it can proceed.