Home > VACANCY FOR A BARHAM PARISH COUNCILLOR > Barham Picnic Site - Your Support Is Needed

Barham Picnic Site - Your Support Is Needed

12 December 2022

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Further to the Parish Council taking on the rejuvenation of the Barham Picnic Site.  With the help of the Probation Service,
Otley College & The River Gipping Trust work is already underway with making good the toilet and information block and
clearing the site.   Of course any local residents are most welcome to give a hand if they can spare the time.  
A work plan has been put together and is on the village website.

The Parish Council has Section 106 money available towards the picnic site, this money has been put a side by BMSDC
in mind for the rejuvenation of the site.  The Parish Council would very much like to install a MUGA (multipurpose sports area)
but will need to formally apply for the money which totals £200,000.  Evidence must be demonstrated that such a facility
would be beneficial and used by the surrounding community.

Therefore the Parish Council would very much welcome your positive support on this proposal for a MUGA at
Barham Picnic Site, so that we can demonstrate to BMSDC that the facility is needed and the funding will be granted.     

PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH CLERK, Melanie Thurston Tel: 07837528187 or

Email: barhampc@outlook.com or comment on the Parish Council Face Book Page,