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21 December 2020

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15th December 2020


To the Residents of Kirby Rise




Dear Resident


Land at Kirby Rise – Proposed Play Area


Barham Parish Council has funding available from the Mid Suffolk District Council Section 106 funding.  This money can only be spent on play/sports equipment and we would like to put it to good use.    As you are no doubt aware Barham, does not currently have any recreation space within the village itself, but shares the recreation ground facilities in Claydon.


It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the area of land at Kirby Rise is currently owned by Mid Suffolk's Housing Revenue Account.  We feel that this area of land in the village might benefit from a small play area which would benefit the community.   The funding available from MSDC would be enough to purchase at least 4 small pieces of play equipment.


The Parish Council would like to ask you, the residents of Kirby Rise if you agree that this would be a good idea.  Please complete the questionnaire below and return to the Parish Clerk by 4th January 2021.  If you do not have internet or unable to use the postal service then please feel free to ring the Chairman, Darren Milward on 07836263613 and he will be happy to collect the questionnaire back from you.


Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year from Barham Parish Council.



Would you like to have a play area at Kirby Rise?


Do you have children living with you?


If so, what age are the children?


If you do have children, do they go to Claydon to make use of the Claydon/Barham recreation ground?


What pieces of play equipment would your children benefit from?


If you have any further comments then please write below;