Home > VACANCY FOR A BARHAM PARISH COUNCILLOR > Outcome of the MSDC Planning Referrals Committee Meeting 1856/17 for 269 dwellings on land north of Church Lane, Barham

Outcome of the MSDC Planning Referrals Committee Meeting 1856/17 for 269 dwellings on land north of Church Lane, Barham

28 January 2021

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The outline planning application for 269 dwellings on land north of Church Lane was heard on Wednesday 27th January 2021, at the Mid Suffolk Planning Referrals Committee. Despite putting forward detailed evidence of our transport, planning and community objections, the Committee voted to approve the application with 8 in favour and 4 against. Our Ward Councillors spoke eloquently in support of the Parish Council’s position, but disappointingly, the proposals were pushed through.

However, in pressing our case we have secured some important concessions:

  • The land for a proposed community building or health centre will now be retained for community use indefinitely – the developers had wanted it returned to them after a period of time;
  • The developers must provide a Village Green next to the proposed community site as a new heart for this part of the village;
  • The developers must prepare a Design Code and consult the two Parish Councils and the community before submitting further planning applications. A Design Code sets out the standards that new development must adhere to. A Design Code generally improves the quality of what is eventually built compared to situations where a developer is free to submit planning applications for whatever they want.

We thank you for your support and we will continue to monitor activity around the site and keep you updated once the developer’s intentions or programme become clearer.