Home > VACANCY FOR A BARHAM PARISH COUNCILLOR > Retiring Chairman - Darren Milward

Retiring Chairman - Darren Milward

10 May 2023

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The retiring Barham Parish Chairman, Darren Milward has stood down after 3 years as Chairman and many years as a Councillor. 
During his time as Chair, he has succeeded with an excellent team of Community Speed Watch volunteers.  The village is very
passionate that speeding in the village is tackled.  Currently 6 approved sites in Barham which the speed watch team carry out
speed checks.

Due to all of the hard work that Darren has done, Barham was chosen for a trial ANPR camera, only 10 other parishes were included
in this survey.  This was an excellent result, and also great to see 30mph speed limit signs on resident’s wheelie bins. The Chairman
finally got the new road signs and roundels installed by Highways along the Norwich Road to help combat speeding.  The next step is
to resolve speeding along Church Lane & Sandy Lane, so would urge the new Parish Council to keep this going.

Kirby Rise has been another great success for the Chairman, praise was given for all his hard work and time spent to get the new
play area in place.

The village has been kept clear of overgrown footpaths and damaged signs have been immediately sorted by the Parish Council
maintenance man.  Litter has been cleared by the street cleaners and the Wombles.

The many months of the hard work the Chairman has put into reinstating the new Barham Country Park, he has worked tirelessly
giving up his time to get the old Barham Picnic Site back open to the public, as the new Barham Country Park.  A big thank you and
well done for all your time and efforts.   Also to thank the following who have helped and supported;
Highways Assurance, Ipswich Probation Team, Anglia Earth Works Ltd, Maurice Debenham, DK9 Security, Whip Street Motors,
Ipswich Borough Council,  Holland Architect Surveyors and Thompson & Morgan.  Also thanks to our District & County Councillors
for the funding they have given.

The retiring Vice Chairman, Frances Milward thanked the Chairman and Jeremy Lea for all their time spent trying to stop 269 houses
along the Norwich Road, unfortunately these houses are just the beginning.  However, a piece of land has been designated for a new
Community Centre to be built and would also hope that this could incorporate a GP surgery, this is ongoing. 

Thank you to the Chairman for all the time he has spent making Barham a better place to live Thank you to Jeremy Lea and all of the
Councillors and Clerk for all their hard work too.

The Chairman thanked the Vice Chairman for her support and hard work.