Speeding Enforcement

28 October 2020

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The Suffolk County Council Liberal Democrat, Green and Independent Group is to introduce to Council  a motion proposing a default 20mph speed limit for roads in residential areas and communities across Suffolk’s towns and villages, with 30mph limits to be retained only in exceptional circumstances. The motion will be proposed at Full Council on 22nd October.  Two critical paragraphs from the motion are:

  • The Government is aiming for a permanent shift from driving towards walking and cycling.  Public support for healthier modes of transport is at a high after lockdown and reducing speed limits encourages people to walk and cycle.  People will be less likely to drive for short trips, and the perception of danger for pedestrians and cyclists is also reduced.
  • Suffolk’s towns and villages should be places where people are free to travel in ways that are safe, sustainable, and healthy.  Effective speed management, including low speed limits in residential areas, is key to reducing casualties and increasing active travel through walking and cycling.


John Field - Suffolk County Councillor