Home > VACANCY FOR A BARHAM PARISH COUNCILLOR > Suggestions/Requests to SCC Safety & Speed Management Team

Suggestions/Requests to SCC Safety & Speed Management Team

6 October 2021

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Barham Traffic Calming Measures;

Suggestions/Requests from Parish Council and the answers from the Speed & Safety Management Engineer

  1.  Can the existing 40MPH limit be changed to a 30MPH limit? It was noted that there has been new development at the north end of the site.

 Having driven the route myself, 40mph feels an appropriate speed for this section of the road. Although there is a new development at the north end of the site, it doesn’t have sufficient frontage to add weight to the argument for a 30mph speed limit. The area does not fit the description of a “clear village character”.

2.   Check spacing of existing repeater signs as they seem few and far between & look at repositioning some of the existing to make them more visible.

 The spacing of the signs is correct, but it would be beneficial to reposition some of them that are currently difficult to see. Heading north from Church Lane:

1st repeater sign – ok.

2nd repeater sign – hidden, suggest adding an additional sign on the other side of the road.

3rd repeater sign – ok.

4th repeater sign – difficult to see when travelling south, suggest new additional sign on redundant post at Sturgeon Way.

5th repeater sign – reposition closer to the road.

6th repeater sign – in shade so difficult to see, could relocate to the lamp post near De Saumarez Drive.

7th repeater sign – ok.


3. Refresh gateway road markings at north end of 40 MPH.

 The markings looked to be in good visible condition. This section of the road is densely tree-lined and shady therefore visibility can be difficult, particularly on a sunny day. The entry signs could be placed onto yellow backing boards to make them more visible.

4. New roundels on road next to existing repeater signs.


5. Change existing repeaters with yellow backed signs to improve visibility.

 We could look at using yellow backing boards. Another option would be to use larger repeater signs.

6.  Sandy Lane junction – some road narrowing/safety scheme to improve safety at this junction.

Currently we have one fatal accident (2015) at the junction showing on our system, involving a car pulling out of Sandy Lane into the path of a motorbike. I am aware that there was sadly another fatal accident recently, but we do not have details from the police yet.  Visibility looking to the right (north) is poor when pulling out of Sandy Lane. There may be scope to build the junction out slightly to bring the give way markings forward and improve visibility. If this is not possible there are other options:  We could look to put the junction warning sign on a yellow backing board if it isn’t already – I apologise, I must have forgotten to make a note of whether or not it has yellow backing and Google Streetview is not up to date to enable me to check.  We could also use white edge of carriageway markings on the approach to the junction.  Provided there is adequate verge space, the sign below could be used on Norwich Road on the approach to Sandy Lane, to advise drivers to use their headlights on the approach to Sandy Lane, to make vehicles easier to see. You may have seen this sign on Foxhall Road in Ipswich, on the approach to the Bell Lane crossroads. The sites are similar as vehicles pass through a shady wooded area making visibility difficult.

 7.  Extent of 30 MPH limit near Barham Church Lane. The Chairman of The Parish Council claims that the signs for the start of the 30 limit were moved nearer to Barham Church Lane a few years ago (looking at Google they have been in their current location since at least 2009). He claims that they were just north of Lower Farm Cottages – please can you check the extent of the 30 MPH limit and that the signs are in the correct location.

 Please see below extract from the Traffic Regulation Order which gives reasons for the shortening of the 30mph speed limit

All of the above suggestions which the Safety & Speed Management Team are considering, is being put together by them in a quote for the Parish Council to consider.