Home > VACANCY FOR A BARHAM PARISH COUNCILLOR > Thank You John Field - Suffolk County Councillor

Thank You John Field - Suffolk County Councillor

10 February 2021

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Barham Parish Council would like to acknowledge the generous donation of £2005.00 which 
our Suffolk County Councillor has given towards the new vehicle activated speed sign.  
This has been installed just by the junction of Church Lane on the Norwich Road, within the
30mph speed limit.  John has been very committed to helping reduce speed through the village.

The new sign displays and registers the speed which a vehicle is travelling and if travelling over
30mph will flash SLOW DOWN.    A Bluetooth Data Collection Unit has also been purchased,
so that the Parish Council can download and analyse speed data.  Results so far have proven that
a lot of traffic travels in excess of 30mph along the Norwich Road, in some cases 60mph has been
recorded.  This evidence is extremely useful in our bid to reduce the speed limits within the village.

The Parish Council is in the process of purchasing a second vehicle activated sign, which will 
be installed the opposite end of Norwich Road.   John Field has again offered funding towards
the second sign along with Mid Suffolk District Councillors John Whitehead and Tim Passmore who 
have also offered funding.