Parish Council
DK9 dealt with the following;
Suspicious activity at the Picnic Site.
Disturbed and moved on suspicious males in Phillips Road.
Found a push bike left in Sandy Lane.
Dog left in a parked car.
Suspicious person who had caused concern all week was reported
to the police who attended to view evidence on CCTV.
At the recent Barham Parish Council meeting the major issue of speeding vehicles throughout the whole of Barham was again discussed. The Parish Council has a constant battle with SCC Highways department to get anything done regarding reducing the speeding issues and pretty much have to take things into its own hands. It has therefore been agreed to proceed with “Community Speed Watch Initiative” for the village.
DK9 dealt with the following activities;
Some of the activity which DK9 reported the week 30th March 2021;
Barham Parish Council are now the proud owners of a 2nd VAS sign, located by De Saumarez Drive, on Norwich Road. Chairman Darren Milward, proudly shows off the new Vehicle Activated Speed Sign. The new sign which is the same as the VAS sign which is located the opposite end of Norwich Road, will register and show the speed which a vehicle is travelling and if travelling over 30mph will flash SLOW DOWN. A Bluetooth Data Collection Unit has also been purchased, so that the Parish Council can download and analyse speed data.
BMSDC Councillors Tim Passmore and John Whitehead have kindly awarded £3,000 from their Locality Budget towards the cost of the sign. The Parish Council would like to express their thanks to them as the money is most gratefully received.
Fly Tipping is not acceptable and is a criminal offence resulting in prosecution.